Experian CreditChat Interviews with Steve & Annette Economides

Experian Logo

Experian is one of the 3 major credit reporting agencies in the U.S. Over the years we have met several really neat people who work there. We’ve participated in a number of their weekly CreditChat video Roundtables. 

This page contains several of these interviews.

How to Save Money on Groceries


1 How to Save Money on Groceries2 Financial Strength for Teens & Students3 Smart Ways to Pay for College #CreditChat with Experian4 How To Plan a Wedding on a Budget


In this Experian CreditChat we answer these Grocery Shopping Questions.

Questions We Discussed:
Q1: What are some common … Read more »

KOTV, Tulsa — Living Debt Free with America’s Cheapest Family

KOTV Tulsa Logo

News Anchor Craig Day contacted us in the fall of 2007, wanting to come to Phoenix to do a special report on how our family saves money. Craig may be a television anchor, but he is also a dad, husband and truly gentle and inquisitive individual.

We spent the whole day together and even had Craig and his cameraman, Michael Blair, stay for dinner. Afterward, they played a few rounds of “spoons” with us — when we play spoons it can get intense.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see all of the videos that Craig used in … Read more »

19 Affordable and Fun Spring Activities for Families

A list of inexpensive Spring recreation and fun ideas

Spring Activities – if you’re looking for fun spring activities for families this is the place. Spring is a time full of awesome and affordable recreational events. It’s the time for plants and trees to come back to life. And in many parts of the country families can be outside to enjoy the more temperate weather and outdoor activities.

If we just look ahead at the upcoming calendar & holidays there are plenty of opportunities for fun on the affordable side.


Are there special Spring events in your area that tourists usually attend? Well, maybe you would … Read more »

Expired Meat: How Long Is Meat Good For After Expiration Date?

Is Expired Meat Dangerous or a Deal?

Are you concerned about food expiration dates on meat? Want to see people question your sanity? Just mention that you often purchase expired meat or meat that is going out of code.

“Code” refers to the date placed by a grocer or manufacturer on a grocery item revealing its use-by, sell-by, or freeze-by date.

We did an interview on ABC’s 20/20 with Elizabeth Vargas. When she saw a video clip of Steve selecting some discounted ham in a grocery store, she was puzzled.

She said, “You are picking up bargains on items most of us would avoid, like expiring meat.”

She continued, “Most … Read more »

56 Fun, Inexpensive & Interesting Hobbies

Fun, Inexpensive & Interesting Hobbies #InterestingHobbies #InexpensiveHobbies #FunHobbies #INeedaHobby #AffordableHobbies #MakeMoneyHobbies

Have you ever said to yourself, “I need a hobby?” Are you looking for some fun, inexpensive, or interesting hobbies to try?

Hobbies are a great way to challenge yourself, learn a new skill, or provide some extra income. And they’re especially fun if they don’t cost a lot of money to get started.

If you’re looking for something new, check out these 53 choices.

Fun & Interesting Hobbies that Became Successful Businesses


1 Fun & Interesting Hobbies that Became Successful Businesses2 A. Skilled Hobbies3 B. Cool Intellectual Hobbies to Enrich Your Brain4 C. Online Affordable HobbiesRead more »

Free Places to Workout: 50 Cheap Ways to Get Healthy and Stay Healthy

50 Ways to Get an Awesome Workout/ Free Places To Workout

There are free places to workout all around us if you just know where to look. We reached out to our Facebook friends and learned about dozens more free workout options than we’d never heard of.

If you’re looking for “free exercise near me,” we’ve got lots of ideas.

It’s time to get more exercise for less.

Get Healthy Stay Healthy for Less this Year!


1 Get Healthy Stay Healthy for Less this Year!2 1. Walking – Pretty much free exercise3 2. Walk, Run and Climb – Free Places to Workout4 3. … Read more »

Grandparent Gift Giving Etiquette? How to Stop Excessive Indulgence

When grandparents give too much. A pile of white presents wrapped with red bow.

A reader wonders how to deal with a grandparent who is overly generous. Are there rules for gift-giving etiquette?

How to Deal with An Overly Generous Grandmother

One of our Free Email Newsletter Subscribers poses this question:

How have you had to struggle over members of your extended family giving too many or inappropriate gifts to your children?

A good friend of mine has a struggle with her mother-in-law giving expensive presents to her son.

My friend and her husband are on a budget and they want to teach their son that Christmas isn’t about presents but about traditions, family, and charity. But this … Read more »

Christmas on a Small Budget—30 Ideas For A Magical Holiday

A great christmas on a small budget

How can you have a Magical Christmas and an extra special Christmas on a small budget if your bank account is less than enchanted?

We all want to make Christmas a special time of year for our kids and other family members. But we don’t want to wake up in January with huge credit card bills and a large dose of Christmas regret.

It really comes down to time versus money. If you don’t have the money to buy every present you want to give, then you’ll have to invest some time to make the magic happen.

If you can involve your spouse … Read more »

Entitled Kids: 7 Things to Stop Spoiling & Raise Self-Sufficient Kids

Entitled Kids - how to build self reliance and sufficiency

Is it possible that our good intentions and generosity could end up entitling our kids? No parent intentionally sets out to create dependent children who expect to be given everything they desire.

If you want to raise kids who aren’t entitled but are empowered – keep reading. We have 7 ways we helped our kids to become Financially strong, fit and independent.

Kids are kind of funny. If we offer to pay for something, they’ll gladly let us do it . . . forever and ever. If we don’t pay, they’ll carry on about how “mean” and out of touch with reality … Read more »

Should We Have Kids or Not? It’s Incredibly Expensive to Raise a Child.

Are Kids Too Expenisve? Two baby hands counting fingers.

If you think that Kids are Expensive …. You’re right. Have you heard the government statistics about the cost of raising a child?

We raised 5 kids and spent less than 60% of what the government experts estimated. Learn how.

Kerri’s story: How one reader grew up and was taught to manage money.

Question About the Cost of Having Kids: When I graduated from high school, I paid for my own auto insurance, graduation gown, and class ring.

My grandmother paid for my class picture. My graduation gift from my parents was a cell phone with a very limited plan because it was … Read more »

Household Budget Success Stories

Budget Success Stories, these will really encourage you! A joyful woman jumping for joy because she has a budget.

This Budget Success Stories Page contains a growing list of Budgeting Ideas from readers like you!

If you want some encouragement about how a budget can revolutionize your personal finances, you’ve come to the right place. We love hearing stories of budgeting success – going from debt to equity, desperation to determination, and seeing the joy of families who have learned to make their money do what they want it to do. Read these stories and be encouraged!

This page contains the following stories:

Budget Success,    Young Adult Success,   Budgets Lift Burdens, Budget with Confidence,  A Child Running A … Read more »

Family Game Night Ideas: 46 Activities and Games That Are Fun & Cheap

Best Family Game Night Games. Games for Kids. Board Games for Kids. Games for Groups.

Are you looking for family game games that are inexpensive, fun and will have your family wanting to play again and again?

Have you ever wondered about what are some of the best family game night games for different age groups? 

We’ve got answers and videos.

Nothing brings families together like some friendly competition. And it’s even more fun when you pick some fun games to play together on a family game night.

And the games we recommend don’t cost a lot of money. As a matter of fact, some are completely free.

We’ve included an overview of each game, some instructions, and … Read more »

Best Car Rental Hacks: 8 Unusual Ways to Save on Renting a Vehicle

These Rental Car Hacks will save you hundreds of dollars on your vacation!

Want to save money on your next rental car? You’re going to love these 12 cheap and clever car rental hacks. We’ve tried most of these and they really work to cut the cost of your trip.

First, we’ll tell you a story about our BIGGEST savings. Then we’ll give you 11 other tips!

How these Rental Car Hacks saved us $200+! 

We were traveling to Richmond, Virginia to speak at a conference and to spend a few days vacationing with family and friends.

There were six of us traveling, plus luggage for one week … and 24 cases of our books.

Keep reading … Read more »

How to Live On One Income: 5 Tips for Parents Who Want to Stay At Home

Mom with two kids and a dog in the forest. Can we live on one income?

If you’ve ever wondered how to live on one income or whether your family can afford to do it or not, the following 5 email questions should help you get your answer.

1. One Income for a SAHM Wannabe


1 1. One Income for a SAHM Wannabe2 2. Convincing Your Wife to Live on One Income3 3. Living on One Income When Illness Hits the Family4 4. Living on One Income after Bankruptcy5 5. Living on One Income, Drowning in Debt & No Fun6 One Income Wrap Up

First I would like to say … Read more »

4 Places Where You Can File your Taxes for Free

A block wall with a sign that says "Pay Taxes Room 108."

Finding free tax help and filing your taxes doesn’t have to be expensive.

If you’re a lower-income family, just starting out after college, a senior, military or former military family, there are lots of options for getting your taxes filed for free or for almost nothing. We’re hoping that you’ll check out these three options and be able to save a boodle! We’ve personally used two of the three services, and Steve’s dad was a volunteer with the last one.

Filing your income tax return doesn’t have to be a taxing (or expensive) proposition

Filing taxes is an annual ritual that most of … Read more »

17 Real-Life Success Stories from Debt-Free and Frugal Living Masters!

Debt Free living & Frugal Living Success Stories!

This Debt-Free Living & Frugal Living Inspiring Stories Page contains a growing list (17) of success stories from our readers on how they avoid debt and live life joyfully!

If you’re looking for encouragement to keep going, you’re going to love reading these frugal living success stories from real people. Some struggle with debt, others are finding joy in living within their means. Keep reading and get stoked about the possibilities!

1. Frugality Helps You Sleep


1 1. Frugality Helps You Sleep2 2. BudgetGirl Pays Off $33K in Debt on a Low Income3 3. Frugal Living Allows … Read more »

How Does A Budget Work Like a Dam to Protect You Financially?

Hoover Dam provides water to millions of people. We explain how our dam budget helps us survive dry times.

Did you ever ask yourself, “How does a budget work?” Do you like the word “Budget?”

We often hear people refer to budgets in negative terms. Words that imply pain or restriction or deprivation. 

We have a different view of the way budgets work.

We look at a household budget as a positive thing.

It’s a tool that preserves our money and lets us enjoy life and the things we have.  We think a budget is very similar to a dam on a lake. Keep reading and find out why.

A BUDGET Like a Dam?

We’ve heard some people refer to trying a money management system … Read more »

Cute Valentines Day Date Ideas That Are Inexpensive & Fun

Creative Valentines Date Ideas Couple standing in front of Love statue kissing.

Are you looking for some cute Valentine’s Day Date Ideas that don’t cost a lot of money? We love the idea of celebrating Valentine’s Day and those precious relationships that you have in your life. But we look at Valentine Recreation a little differently . . . are you surprised?

Valentine’s Day falls on a different day each year, but it’s a good time to get your husband to do something more romantic . . . especially after watching the Super Bowl last week.

Valentine Recreation with Thought

Love is not based on how much we spend, but how much we spend time … Read more »

3 Types of Family Budgets—Which Budget is Best for You

Best Budgets for Families - a man jumping for joy in falling money.

Are you looking for the best type of budget for your family? With so many different types of budgets available, which one will work for you?

We’ve discovered that there are almost as many types of budget systems as there are people talking about it.

Family Budgets can be done with expensive software systems, free systems, apps, websites and grandma’s cookie jar system for budgeting.

With so many choices, it’s hard to know which type of budget will be best for you!

What Type of Budget System Will Work Best for Your Family?

Lots of people talk about having a budget for their money.
Lots of … Read more »

Saving on Back-to-School Supplies — 5 Black Belt Tactics

Back to School Supplies - 5 Ways to Save Big Money.

The late summer months are the best time to stock up and save money on Back to School Supplies.

Unfortunately, if you’re not careful, this can be one of the most expensive times of the year for families with young children. Why?

The reason is that back-to-school costs can really take a toll on your family’s household budget.

According to the National Retail Federation, retailers expect that consumers will shell out more than $80.7 billion during this back-to-school shopping frenzy (k-12 and college combined).

50.1 million students will attend public elementary and secondary school. So if you do the math it comes out to … Read more »

6 Cheap Vacation Ideas: How to Travel on a Shoe String Budget

Camping in the Forest - Vaction on a shoe string budget

Are you looking for some inexpensive vacation ideas? Have you heard of bloggers who travel on a shoestring budget and have lots of fun?

Have you ever thought about great vacations with limited funds?

And what about this summer with Covid issues all around, could you still get away?

If you’re thinking you can’t take a vacation, think again. We’ve got lots of frugal and cheap tips to make your vacation memorable on a shoestring budget.

If your only option is to travel on a shoestring budget, you still create a fun and enjoyable memory!

Here’s how we and several other frugal … Read more »


Money Smart Family – Making Frugal Fun

Originally known as America’s Cheapest Family in the Media, we’re sharing our MoneySmartFamily Lifestyle and Making Frugal FUN!

Steve & Annette have been Featured as Finance Experts on:

If you’re looking to improve your finances or want to change your entire relationship with money, we’re here to help you:

Live Debt Free & Budget Your Money Better

Save Tons of Money on Groceries

Raise Independent MoneySmart Kids

3 Main Focuses of MoneySmartFamily.com

Manage Your Money

Learn How to Budget Better and Get out of Debt Forever

Cut Your Grocery Bill

Read … Read more »

The Today Show #8 – Getting Back on Budget

Christmas on The Today Show #1

Steve, Annette, Becky, and Abbey Economides appeared on NBC’s Today Show to share how their budgeting system has enabled us to accomplish some remarkable financial accomplishments in the past 28 years. They also shared loads of money-saving tips for reducing expenses in your entire house.

As usual, we had so much material to cover that we didn’t quite get to it all. Below is a list of the questions we were supposed to cover and some more detailed answers on how you can make your money go further than ever before.

Questions from Today Show Producers


Free Meals Out: 22 Restaurant Hacks That Will Save You Tons!

Money Saving Tips for saving money at restaurants - restaurant hacks

Discover the amazing world of Restaurant Hacks. You’ll find lots of awesome tips and tricks to save money when eating out or getting takeout! Treat yourself to scrumptious meals without breaking the bank by using these insider secrets.

We love eating meals at home, but once in a while, a meal out at a restaurant is a wonderful treat. And what makes it even more special is when you can get the same meal for a discounted price.

Please, if you do get something for free or discounted, remember to be generous in the tipping of your server.

1. Kids Eat Free … Read more »

Frugal Pro Athletes? Could You Live Below Your Means Like These Athletes

What does living below your means do for your life?

What does living below your means . . . mean? Does it mean a life of deprivation? Does it mean a life of constant coupon clipping, or a life of regularly saying, “We can’t afford it?”

Living below your means – something different.

Maybe it’s saying yes to your top priorities like paying off debt and building savings/retirement.
OR,  it’s saying, “I’d love to take a cruise, but this year we only have enough money for a driving vacation.” And then making it a fantastic, fun family memory.
Maybe it’s saying, “I’m making great money right now, but this may not last, so we’re going to … Read more »