New York Times Best-Selling Authors, National Speakers,
Household Finance Experts, Media Personalities
Steve & Annette Economides – Personal Finance Speakers
About Steve & Annette and their Speaking Style
Steve & Annette Economides are powerful personal finance speakers. They are NY Times Best Selling Authors, parents of five grown children and enthusiastic proponents of contrarian financial wisdom. They are passionate about living the frugal lifestyle and sharing the fun, laughter, and freedom they’ve experienced.
By managing their personal finances differently, they are set apart from most Americans. Their debt-free lifestyle and fun frugal exploits led them to write three books: America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money; Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half, and The MoneySmart Family System – Teaching Financial Independence to Children of Every Age.
Media Appearances
Steve & Annette’s enthusiasm about household finances has earned them appearances on Good Morning America, The Today Show, 20/20, Dr. Phil, CNN, Fox News, Night Line, Yahoo Finance, Good Housekeeping, People Magazine and more.
They are regular guests on many nationally syndicated radio programs, podcasts, and Google hangouts. They are often quoted in personal finances articles in newspapers, magazines, and the web. Their message of Financial Hope is reaching millions around the globe.
Speaking Events

Steve and Annette are a dynamic duo of common-sense financial and parenting advice.
Together they speak around the country at parenting, marriage and family conferences.
They also speak at banks, credit unions, libraries, medical associations, universities, financial literacy events, MOPs groups and more. Attendees marvel at the practical, achievable and inspirational information Steve & Annette share.
Steve & Annette have been both keynote speakers and workshop speakers.
They are comfortable and engaging whether speaking to groups as large as 1200 and as small as 12. No matter the size of your group the Economides’ will customize their speaking presentation to reach your people. And after the presentation, they always stay around to answer personal questions that attendees have.
What Makes Steve & Annette A Different Kind of Personal Finance Speaker?
If you’re looking for a personal finance speaker to empower and encourage your attendees to think differently about money and debt, call on Steve & Annette. They live what they teach and are masters of getting the best deals and the best quality for the least amount of money.
Steve & Annette are called one of the best practical presenters on the topic of personal finances. They strive to provide easily accomplishable, step-by-step ideas for conference attendees to take home and apply.
As small-group, or workshop speakers they can really get down to practical application. They encourage attendees to think differently about money management and make efforts to improve their situations.
Through their numerous national and international media appearances and speaking engagements, they continue to inspire others toward financial freedom. Their speaking style is down to earth and easy to understand.
Take their advice and you’ll have more laughter, better family times and much more money in the bank. Won’t you join them on a journey to see your wildest financial dreams come true?
Speaking Endorsements

Church MOPs Event

We had the honor of hearing Steve and Annette speak to our MOPS group on the topic of “The Money Smart Family” and how to help our children to become better money managers and financially independent.
Every mom walked away with budgeting and money-saving tips for their family as well as ways to engage their children in understanding finances and becoming financially literate before they leave home.
Steve and Annette helped us all to understand that we need to be good stewards of the money God has given us. I can highly recommend the Economides as speakers for your moms’ group.
Jennine Ulibarri, Director of Women at La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church.
Credit Union Member Event

We had the honor of hosting Steve and Annette for an education event for our membership. We have received multiple outstanding compliments on the budgeting and money-saving tips that were shared.
Steve and Annette have a true gift for being able to engage their audience and enthusiastically share their message of personal finances without debt. We look forward to the opportunity to have them speak for us again.
Julie Hill, VP Marketing / Kim Durr, eServices Specialist, IQ Credit Union
More than 450 people attended this free event
Medical Assistance Family Support Event

Steve and Annette were engaging and very helpful in sharing tools to help build a money-smart family with our meeting attendees. They offered sound and easy to implement financial ideas for the entire family.
Teri Morrison—Assistant Executive Director—Arizona Hemophilia Association
Home School Conference

We loved having Steve & Annette at VHE! Your presentations on personal finance and money-smart parenting were inspirational. Our attendees really enjoyed you both, saying things like: “Very practical advice;” “Great ideas, interesting, very helpful resources!” “I liked the couple-type (duo) presentation;” “I learned some awesome tips;” “They kept my attention THE WHOLE TIME;” “They were very easy to listen to.”
Micki Moeller, VHE Convention Speaker Coordinator
University Health Conference

Steve & Annette are a dynamic duo of practical personal finances, and their message was enormously empowering to the “Under-Resourced” and everyone (including students, faculty, professional and community workers) who attended our Health, Nutrition, and Poverty Conference.
Just incorporating a few of their ideas offered insight on how we could all save enormous amounts of money while eating delicious, nourishing food. Their whole life is an inspiration!
Debbie Abel, Ph.D., RD Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work
Financial JumpStart for High School Teachers

Steve and Annette did a great job as keynote speakers at our annual Financial Literacy conference. Their approach was genuine, their stories authentic, and their style highly dynamic. The audience learned a lot, laughed a lot, and left inspired.
Steve and Annette’s presentation was well organized, and they kept the audience engaged through multi-media, humor, and a very relatable style. The Jeopardy-style Financial Literacy game they prepared was a wonderful way to help our conference attendees more fully participate and apply what they heard.
Steve and Annette are masters at taking what they’ve done personally, and being able to educate and inspire others. Thank you for helping us make our financial literacy conference a success.
Zuzana Brochu, Vermont Jump$tart Board Member
Vice President, Wealth Management Strategy at People’s United Bank
Business Employee Assistance Program

We were expecting a professional, enlightening and beneficial personal finance presentation for our employees when we contracted with Steve and Annette. What happened was greater than our expectations.
Our employees told us that they received lots of valuable information and profitable skills for managing their household finances. We measured the success of the presentation by the terrific feedback and gratitude we received from those in attendance.
We were so impressed that after the presentation was over, Steve & Annette met with several employees one-on-one to answer specific questions and concerns.
A Second Look Consignment Super Store
Jeri Watson, Co-Owner
Judy Rhodes, Co-Owner
Family Conferences

Steve and Annette were an inspiration to the families in San Diego. Their practical approach to personal finances encouraged our attendees with realistic presentations on effective and efficient ways to operate a home. Their stories clearly illustrate their knowledge of the average American household and their humor makes this education a pleasure.
John and Laura Wojnicki, Convention Coordinators, CFS of San Diego
University Health Conference

Steve & Annette are a dynamic duo and their message was enormously empowering to the “Under-Resourced” and everyone (including students, faculty, professional and community workers) who attended our Health, Nutrition, and Poverty Conference. Just incorporating a few of their ideas offered insight on how we could all save enormous amounts of money while eating delicious, nourishing food. Their whole life is an inspiration!
Karyl Rickard, Ph.D., RD, FADA Program, Director of Leadership Education in MCH Nutrition Program
Library MoneySmart Week Event

Steve & Annette motivated and empowered our library program attendees. They are a dynamic duo of family frugality and personal finances – our attendees walked away with lots of practical information. We want to have Steve & Annette return!
Brian Franssen, Librarian (Business)—Yuma County Library District
This event attracted more than 150 library patrons
Staff Development Event

I have had only positive feedback from the Professional Staff Association (PSA) members who attended your workshop. I could not think of a more timely message. Your family is an inspiring example of how to keep sane in insane times! By being resourceful, spending wisely, looking for and sharing good deals – we can enjoy ourselves and focus on what is really important in life. Thanks for reminding us of this vital lesson!
Stephen Zipperer — Executive President, Professional Staff Association — Maricopa Community Colleges
Library Author Event

Steve & Annette offer practical and insightful tips on household budgeting and better personal finance management in these challenging economic times. They provided sound advice on living frugally and achieving financial independence. Our attendees were extremely impressed with their presentation.
Lisa Rice—Director of the Warren County Public Library, Bowling Green, KY
More than 200 library patrons attended this event.
Home School Convention

We’d love to have you join us again as a speaker — in a larger room next time. Your talks were very well attended, practical and extremely helpful — just like your books. Thank you for helping to make our convention a success!
Vicki Bentley — Speaker Coordinator, HEAV Convention – Virginia — several of the sessions were SRO!
Speaking / Media Videos
If you’d like to see more examples of our speaking/presentation style, visit our YouTube site where we have more than 150 videos available.
Past Speaking Engagements
- Arizona Hemophilia Conference, Phoenix, AZ
- Arlington Book Fair, Arlington, TX
- Association for Financial Professionals, Phoenix, AZ
- CFS Expo, San Diego, CA
- CHEA Convention, Anaheim, CA
- CHEO Convention Keynote, Akron, OH
- CHEF of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, LA
- Family Life Conference, Anaheim, CA
- FamOhio – Hemophilia Association, Columbus, OH
- FEAST Convention, San Antonio, TX
- Financial Health Workshop, DSBC, Phoenix, AZ
- Financial Hope Conference, Phoenix, AZ
- Florida Prosperity Partnership, Orlando, FL
- FPEA Conference, Orlando, FL
- Grace University Chapel, Omaha, NE
- Great HS Conventions, Cincinnati, OH
- HEAV Convention, Richmond, VA
- IQ Credit Union, Vancouver, WA
- JumpStart Coalition, Montpelier, VT
- Kate’s Cup – Northridge Community Church, Scottsdale, AZ
- Maricopa Community College District, Professional Staff Organization, Phoenix, AZ
- Midwest Parent Educators (MPE) Kansas City, MO
- MOPs — All Saints Lutheran Church, Phoenix, AZ
- MOPs — Chaparral Christian Church, Paradise Valley, AZ
- MOPs — Desert Springs Bible Church, Phoenix, AZ
- MOPs —La Casa De Cristo Church, Phoenix, AZ
- MOPs — Moon Valley Bible Church, Phoenix, AZ
- MOPs — Scottsdale Bible Church, Scottsdale, AZ
- NCHEA Convention, Lincoln, NE
- NDHSA Convention, Fargo, ND
- Phoenix Start-Up Week, Scottsdale, AZ
- SchoolHouse Expo – Keynote Video Conference, Global
- VHE Convention, Modesto, CA
- Von Willebrand’s National Conference, Phoenix, AZ
- Warren County Public Library – Bowling Green, KY
- Wells Fargo Bank—Financial Literacy Webinar, Arizona
- Yuma County Library – MoneySmart Week, Yuma, AZ