Category Archives: Debt Reduction

10 Student Loan Forgiveness Programs: Get Debt Eliminated Legally

9 career choices that could result in student loan forgiveness.

Do you have college loans? Are you looking for a list of student loan forgiveness programs? Are you wondering if you can get loan forgiveness?

Student loan forgiveness isn’t available to everyone, but it is a great way to pay off student loans that have already been accrued!

We’ve scoured the loan forgiveness landscape and found 10 different programs that might benefit you.

College Prices Have Skyrocketed:

Over the past 40 years, gas prices have increased by about 300% and Gold has risen more than 1200%. However, the cost of college has outpaced them both, skyrocketing more than 1600% higher than it was in … Read more »

How Frugal Living Can Help You Hurdle Toward Early Retirement

Frugal Living Helps You Hurdle Towards Early Retirement!

Can Frugal Living make a difference in how soon you retire or is it just a waste of time? We’re going to give you one example of the power of frugal living as it specifically pertains to how soon you can retire.

How Much Money Do You Need to Retire?

First, let’s calculate how much money you need to retire for a moment.

Most retirement planning projection systems don’t adequately show the impact of frugal living in retirement estimate calculations—probably for good reason. Most people aren’t frugal!

However, the average person has rarely been shown “The Power of Frugal Living” regarding retirement calculation below. … Read more »

Plastic Surgery for Paying off Debt: 9 Steps to Being Debt Free!

How to Destroy Debt forever - You can be debt free

Do you want to get out of Debt? Have you been trying to pay off what you owe, but keep getting hit with unexpected emergencies.

Keep reading – we have 9 things you can do to kill your debt. And several things you can start applying today.

How is Debt Like Being in a Car Crash?

Have you ever come across an auto accident where a battered, bloody victim was walking around in a daze? Asked if he’s all right, he stutters, “Y-Yes, I’ll be fine.” Obviously hurt, in shock, and needing immediate attention, he still refuses help. “I’m all right,” he … Read more »

7 Ways to Destroy Debt Even If You’re Living Paycheck to Paycheck

7 Ways to Destroy Debt - Even when Living Paycheck to Paycheck!

Accumulating debt has become a common occurrence in most families – but paying off debts, even on a low income has become an achievable goal for visitors to our website. If you are looking for ways to destroy debt forever, then this article will encourage, equip and empower you!

Debt Free on a Small Income. On an average household income of less than $45,000, we’ve avoided debt and been able to pay off our home mortgages in record time. To do it, we’ve used many of the methods described in this blog. Follow these 7 Steps and you could be debt-free too!

Accumulating Debt is … Read more »

14 Ways to Repair Your Fair Isaac Credit Score in 60 Days or Less

How to repair credit in 60 days or less.

Repairing a credit score in 60 Days or less is possible. Get out top14 tips to help get your credit score in better shape!

Credit scores exist to create a fair, transparent, and non-subjective way to rate a loan applicant’s credit trustworthiness. The credit scoring process is certainly not perfect. It can be confusing and frustrating. Credit scoring helps remove discrimination and bad business practices.

This article was researched and written by Marie Morganelli, Ph.D.

It is possible to raise a low credit score, however. It is even possible to raise a credit score quickly.

If you want to win at raising your credit … Read more »

Start Adulting On the Right Foot – 4 Tips to Success and Financial Peace

Starting Adulting - 2 girls jumping at the ocean in sunset

A college graduate is starting Adulting. She asks what are the best things she can do to start living the adult life in a money smart way. The transition from being a student to becoming an adult can be a shock to the system.

Money Smart Adulting?

Hey there, Economides family:)

I am from Portugal and I love your tips. My birthday is coming soon and I will order your books as a gift.

Here life is a little different than in the U.S., but despite the distance, your concepts of living within your means is a great help!

I am an unemployed recent college … Read more »