Category Archives: Medical / Health

Amazing Ways to Save Money & Eat Healthier this Year (13 Tips)

Save money - Healthy living healthy eating

We’re always looking for easy ways to save money & eat healthier. And to be more aware of the nutritional value of the foods we buy and eat.

Here are 12 ways can we save money & eat healthier without going to extremes.

It’s a well-known fact that some of the most common New Year’s Resolutions are to lose weight and to get finances in order.

We’re hoping that this blog will inspire you on both fronts if you’ve made either of these resolutions this year. You can lose weight by eating healthier and you can eat healthier without spending a fortune! So let’s … Read more »

Molecular Hydrogen: Health Miracle or Brown’s Gas Hoax?

Aquacure - Molecular Hydrogen HHO Brown's Gas - bubbling in a beaker

Have you ever heard of the potential health benefits of drinking hydrogen water, or breathing molecular hydrogen gas (aka HHO or HydrOxy or Brown’s gas)?

Are the claims of health improvement and performance enhancement hype or a hoax?

Molecular Hydrogen has been studied and used more and more since 2016. Researchers are looking at how it can help with various diseases, brain disorders, and skin problems. Although the FDA hasn’t approved these uses yet, some alternative medicine clinics are testing and using it. Also, several companies are now selling molecular hydrogen generators.

We will share the research studies we’ve found, list the companies … Read more »

Free Places to Workout: 50 Cheap Ways to Get Healthy and Stay Healthy

50 Ways to Get an Awesome Workout/ Free Places To Workout

There are free places to workout all around us if you just know where to look. We reached out to our Facebook friends and learned about dozens more free workout options than we’d never heard of.

If you’re looking for “free exercise near me,” we’ve got lots of ideas.

It’s time to get more exercise for less.

Get Healthy Stay Healthy for Less this Year!


1 Get Healthy Stay Healthy for Less this Year!2 1. Walking – Pretty much free exercise3 2. Walk, Run and Climb – Free Places to Workout4 3. … Read more »

Inexpensive Ways to Beat a Cold Fast? Here’s How to Get Healthy Quickly!

16 ways to cure a cold a one or two days.

Do you want to prevent or cure a cold faster? Finding the cure for the common cold has been mankind’s pursuit for hundreds of years.

While we haven’t found THE cure, we have found many ways to prevent illness or regain your health quicker.

With today’s Coronavirus concerns this Cold & Flu season is horrible and tricky. Catching a cold or the flu could be almost inevitable and dangerous.

How to cure a cold and beat sickness is a game everyone wants to win.

If you leave your house at all or have a large family, you’ll be surrounded by people. And those people … Read more »

Medical Cost Sharing? The Complete Guide to Health Share Plans to Save Money

Mom holding a baby's hand - medical cost sharing.

Many people have asked what the difference is between Health Share Plans and traditional Health Insurance.  We’ll answer many questions about the medical cost-sharing industry in this article.

Things like:

What’s the Difference Between Medical Cost Sharing and Traditional Insurance?
How Long Has Medical Cost Sharing been around?
What types of things do cost-sharing programs cover and not cover?
How much can you save with Medical Cost Sharing programs?
Who are the biggest players in Medical Cost Sharing?
See an example of what a large medical expense would cost you with a cost-sharing account.

Problems with Affordable Care Act Insurance


1 Problems with Affordable Care … Read more »

Save Money on Prescriptions: 13 Ways to Get Pharmacy Drugs and Medications for Less

Prescription drugs spilling out of a medication bottle onto money.

Are you looking to get save on medications and get prescriptions cheaper? There are tons of ways to quickly and legally get discounts on your medication prescriptions.

Is the cost of prescription drugs making you choke?

According to the Center for Disease Control, 48% of Americans take at least one prescription drug, and 21 percent take 3 or more prescription drugs. Legal, prescribed drug use in our country, and around the world is at all-time highs.

It’s true that properly used, prescription drugs can greatly improve the length and quality of our lives. It’s also true that the cost of prescription drugs can … Read more »

Save on Lactose Intolerance: Costco vs Sams vs Lactaid® which is Best?

Kirkland Lactase - lactaid package

Are You searching for the best lactose intolerance pills? Are you wanting a cheaper option that really works?

Have you tried different solutions for your digestive issues?

The National Institute of Health estimates that about 68 percent of the world’s population has lactose malabsorption issues. That’s a lot of people who need help digesting lactose.

We’ve tried a number of natural and pill solutions for lactose intolerance.

We also did an in-depth comparison with Costco Lactase (Kirkland) or Lactaid® brand pills. You’ll be surprised by what we found.

If you have lactose intolerance, finding a solution so you can enjoy dairy is not an easy … Read more »