The Montel Williams Show – How to Live Like A Millionaire

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The Montel Williams Show was one of our more unusual media appearances. The producers originally told us that Montel wanted to help viewers save money and that we were appearing with a friend of his who was going to do just that.

The Millionaire Maker

It turned out to be a show about becoming a millionaire . . . not our idea of saving money. His guest was a long-time friend Marshall Sylver.

He is called the millionaire maker and brought four of his “students” with him to profile how the turned their lives around by applying his money principals.

We talked with many of these people backstage and found that their “empires” were built mainly by borrowing money.

Borrowing to build a business might work well if you have learned to manage your money and your business prudently. But borrowing heavily to start a new business when you have little experience doing it, is a crap-shoot. We just don’t believe in it.

Our Portion of the Show on Saving Money

We’ve posted a video of our portion of the show. Hopefully our message of “Get rich slowly” will continue to gain traction when the wheels of the “get rich quick” philosophy start spinning and falling off.

America's Cheapest Family with Montel Williams





Personal Time with Montel

On a personal note, we did get a few minutes to speak with Montel. He is a genuine and gentle individual. Although he is battling MS and less than a year after we appeared, he retired from his show.

Montel ran a grueling schedule taping three shows, two days each week (preparing for the taping of the shows the other days of the week). We were the third show he taped when we were there and we could tell he was really worn out.

The $50 Clothing Challenge

The producers and Montel gave our kids a challenge – to see what kind of clothes they could buy for $50 at a thrift store. Here are the examples of how far that money went. You’ll be amazed at how little they spent and how much they got.

Becky Economides and her $9 workout outfit for the Montel Williams show.

Becky Economides and her $9 workout outfit.

Abbey Economides modeling a red prom gown with a $25 price tag on it.

Abbey Economides and her $25 red prom gown.

Roy Economides and his $6 workout outfit for the Montel Williams show.

Roy Economides and his $6 workout outfit.

Joe Economides with his $13 dress outfit for the Montel Williams show.

Joe Economides with his $13 dress outfit.


Video of The Montel Williams Show

Watch the video of our segments on the Montel Williams Show to learn more about how we save money on clothes.

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