
Saving on Domestic Animal Care

Domestic Animal Care-Money Savings Ideas for farm animals, small mammals, reptile etc?

This Domestic Animal Care Page contains ideas for cutting the cost of caring for your farm animal, small mammal or reptile. 

Farm Sense for Chickens, Pigs and Worms

Here are several ideas for recycling or reusing common household items to benefit your farm animal care.

Egg Shells: I bake my egg shells for a few minutes. Usually I pop them into the oven after turning off the oven, and let the shells bake while the oven is cooling down. Then I crush them and feed to my chickens (along with their food). This acts as a calcium additive w/o having the expense of buying … Read more »

Save Money with Cat & Dog Care

Cat & Dog Care Money Savings Tips Page #SaveMoneyCatCare #SaveMOneyDogCare

This Cat & Dog Care Money Savings Page contains several ideas for caring for your pet without breaking the bank.

Cutting the Cost Of Cats at Dollar Stores

I buy cat food at Dollar General for $0.25 per can (chicken, tuna, and salmon flavors) and my cats like it just fine. I serve it to them on “paper plates,” but not the cheap absorbent paper ones. Instead,  I pay a little more and get the plasticized nonabsorbent ones. I take these inside, wash them off, and reuse them. I buy 50 plates for $2.39 at Dollar General. Plus I save meat packages … Read more »

Pet Toys & Equipment Savings

Pet Toys & Equipment Savings.

This Pet Toys & Equipment Savings Super Page has ideas for plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, chew toys, a dog bed sewing project and dog treat learning games.

Boxes for Pet Toys?


1 Boxes for Pet Toys?2 A Doggie Toy from the Recycle Bin3 Frugal Doggie Treat Learning Games4 5 Puppy Pillow Project6 Inexpensive Pet Toy idea7 Cat Tree for a Little Scratch

Pet toys are expensive so we use cardboard boxes! Our lab loves cardboard, the thicker the better because it “crunches.” Of course, it looks like a box exploded in our house. … Read more »

Pet Medical Care – Money Saving Tips

Pet medical care savings. Money Saving Tips for your dog or cat.

This Pet Medical Care Page has tips for saving on pet shots, medicine, breath fresheners, and a clever way to get your pet’s medical care virtually for free.

Saving Money on Pet Shots!


1 Saving Money on Pet Shots!2 Pet Medicine on the Internet3 Getting Rid of Doggie Breath4 Pet Prescription Price Match5 Perks from Working at an Animal Hospital6 Pet Clinics for shots7 AlliVet versus Veterinarian Pricing

You can save a lot of money if you learn to give your pet shots. A friend of mine was taught to do this properly by the vet’s … Read more »