This Pet Toys & Equipment Savings Super Page has ideas for plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, chew toys, a dog bed sewing project and dog treat learning games.
Boxes for Pet Toys?
Pet toys are expensive so we use cardboard boxes! Our lab loves cardboard, the thicker the better because it “crunches.” Of course, it looks like a box exploded in our house. We also use old mismatched socks tied into knots for them to play with. Pamela T. – Yuma, AZ
A Doggie Toy from the Recycle Bin
Our dog Jake, loves to play with toys that make lots of noise. We’ve found that smaller empty plastic soda bottles make excellent toys. They give him quite a workout because they slide across the floor and are difficult to grab. And, when your pet is finished playing with them they can still be recycled. Judi Benson – Wolcott, CT
Frugal Doggie Treat Learning Games
Doggie treat learning games. While visiting relatives we learned some really fun ways to reward dogs and teach them to solve problems. Watch as we demonstrate with Cuddles and Trevor how they can solve doggie treat problems. Our cousins used inexpensive things like paper egg cartons, cupcake tins, and a plastic bucket. Please be a responsible pet owner and never leave your pets unsupervised with these toys. Steve & Annette Economides – Scottsdale, AZ
Puppy Pillow Project
I had a twin sized pillow that got old and ripped on the side. Instead of tossing it I washed it, patched it up with some needle and thread, put it inside of an old flannel pillowcase and reused it as a doggie bed for my puppy. She thought it was a brand new bed! She really likes it when I put the pillow in my laundry basket. She’ll hop in and stay warm all winter.
Additional Tip: My mother-in-law has two German Shepherds and a cat. She uses her shop-vac to vacuum up the dog and cat hair around her house. She said that her house vacuums don’t compare to the suction power of her shop-vac. It’s on wheels and glides well on her floor.
Inexpensive Pet Toy idea
If you take several lengths of rope and long strips of fabric and braid them together it makes a great chew toy for your dog! This braided rope chew toy is simple to make, lasts a long time, and is relatively inexpensive.
Patrick Baldwin – Mesa, AZ
Cat Tree for a Little Scratch
There is a lot of new home construction in our area.
My husband and I rummaged through the construction trash bins in our area one day and gathered all the good discarded plywood, drywall, lumber, and carpet pieces we could find to build our own cat tree for our two cats. The retail price for medium sized cat trees is around $100 to $200. In our case, we were able to make our tree as big as we wanted for free. The only thing we paid for was some rope to wrap around some of the legs of the tree and a few nails. All of the other materials else came from the trash bins.
If you don’t want to purchase rope, simply turn the carpet pieces inside out and staple it to the legs. We found that our cats love to scratch the back side of the carpet more than the carpet itself. Take a few precautions when digging for deals, like being extra careful of nails sticking out from boards and only taking things from bins or trash piles and not new construction material that may be stacked nearby. We also avoid rummaging during working hours or on the weekends. It’s a very inexpensive way to provide a play area for your pet. F.T. – Tucson, AZ
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If you have other suggestions or ideas for savings on pet toys and equipment, please leave a comment below and we’ll consider it for inclusion on this page.
Our dog continually wanted to chew on my daughter’s work shoes. I saw an old, hard glasses case and thought it might be a good substitute. It worked! She loved it. Chewed on it and investigated it for quite a while. Now I just need to donate the glasses.
We love your creative solution to a costly problem – the hard case from glasses sounds like the perfect “chew toy.”