Trade School Discount Services

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Money is really tight and with unemployment on the rise, the number of people going to school to “re-tool” is also increasing. This means that students in service industries: hair and nail care, dentists, massage therapy and more, will need people to “practice” on. If you’re willing to take some risk, you can save a lot of dough. You may be surprised about the services they offer.

Here are some ideas from Joy in Topeka, Kansas (our comments are in italics).

Massages  Look for a nearby massage or physical therapy school. During finals week, physical therapy assistant students at my college offered $5 massages and donated the proceeds to charity.

Hair Care  Beauty schools abound, most offer low cost hair cuts a few days a week. They typically charge 50 to 80 percent less on most salon services including perms, tints and simple hair cuts.

In the early years of our marriage, Annette frequented a local beauty school for hair cuts and perms. One day she came home in tears after spending four hours in a chair for a perm. Her forehead was burned from the chemicals and her emotions were frazzled. From that point on, when she made an appointment, she would always ask for a stylist who was close to graduating.

4.2010 UPDATE: Abbey just had her hair cut at a beauty school near our house and paid only $5 + $2 tip for a fantastic new “dew.” (Actually, she found a $5 off coupon, so it really only cost her $2!) She said that the supervisor kept checking on the student who was cutting her hair. That made Abbey feel safe and confident.

For designer haircuts, next time you’re planning a trip to a major city, search a few weeks ahead of time for free model hair cuts or styles. New York City’s Bumble and Bumble’s Salon program is called Model U, and is free. If you plan ahead with them, you can get a three figure style for free. My sister does this, and comes home with hair straight out of Vogue Magazine every time.

In many cities there are salons looking for hair models. We have a friend who did this for many years. She said that you have to be willing to let them “play” with your hair, but for the most part she was always pleased with her new “Do.” Do a Google search for “Hair Models” along with your city name.

Portraits  You can easily spend hundreds of dollars for senior portraits. Almost any college has photojournalists eager to expand their portfolio. Not only can you save hundreds, but you might get some extra shots that their classmates won’t. You can escape the studio and shoot at a favorite park, or laughing with a best friend. Think beyond student portraits and have them shoot a family photos too.

Medical / Dental  For affordable medical care, look for the nearest college or university, most are associated with a clinic or hospital. Young dentists do free or cheap teeth cleanings and interns of all types may bill at a lower rate (for instance, a first year psychiatrist will often bill at the same rate as a social worker). Schools may also run non-profit clinics.

Just be aware that dental schools may suggest work that might not be necessary. You need to do your research and get a second opinion if they suggest an expensive procedure. Ask lots of questions and make sure you have a knowledgeable source to bounce ideas off of.

Also, most doctors and pharmacists are eager to help. Doctors, as a matter of course, will often prescribe an expensive drug when diagnosing a problem. It’s easier for them to offer a pill than recommend a healthy habit. If you find your medications are adding up, ask them to review your list and help you cut back. They may be able to switch you to a generic, or suggest ways to cut your need for a medication, such as light exercise before dinner instead of pricey sleep aids. You can get time with a pharmacist to discuss your medications much easier than with your primary care doctor. And Pharmacists can offer advice on generics, over the counters, and may know about discount programs. They can also check your medications and supplements for possible interactions. Their advice is normally free.

When you’re looking for a bargain, remember that doing thorough research and asking lots of questions will keep you from having a disastrous experience. Is it time for you to go “Back to School” to get some savings?

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