
Experian CreditChat Interviews with Steve & Annette Economides

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Experian is one of the 3 major credit reporting agencies in the U.S. Over the years we have met several really neat people who work there. We’ve participated in a number of their weekly CreditChat video Roundtables. 

This page contains several of these interviews.

How to Save Money on Groceries


1 How to Save Money on Groceries2 Financial Strength for Teens & Students3 Smart Ways to Pay for College #CreditChat with Experian4 How To Plan a Wedding on a Budget


In this Experian CreditChat we answer these Grocery Shopping Questions.

Questions We Discussed:
Q1: What are some common … Read more »

6 Money-Saving Tips From America’s Cheapest Family/ Pop Sugar

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By Lisa Horten – Pop Sugar

The topic of financial planning may sound a bit dull, but when I heard about a family who paid off their first home in just nine years on an annual income of $35,000, my ears perked up. The Economides (as fate would have it, that is their real name) aren’t your typical penny-pinchers. They’re a couple who has mastered the art of smart saving and spending, even with a limited income and large family. When Steve and Annette Economides wed in 1982, Steve was working as a graphic designer, making $6.50 an hour, while his … Read more »

5 Money-Saving Lessons from America’s Cheapest Family/ MattMoneyMan

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Recently, MattMoneyMan (MMM) had the pleasure of talking to Steve Economides (SE), the head of the Economides family, which is well-known for its budgeting and money saving tips.

The Economides have been teaching Americans and people all around the world their brand of frugality for more than a decade. They’ve appeared on widely watched shows like Good Morning America, Read more »

Yahoo Finance—5 Secrets of Super Savers

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We had a great time planning this money saving segment with Farnoosh Torabi and her producer Chris Murphy at Yahoo! Finance.
We planned on several more tips being shared, but in the end had to shorten the spot. Below are all of the tips we discussed in the video (at the bottom of the page) and more.
Happy Savings!

Super Savers…Re-quote their auto insurance every two to three years. According to the Economides family, only 25% of Americans actively seek a better auto quote every couple of years. I’ve also read behavioral research pointing to the fact that consumers tend not to challenge fixed … Read more »