Newsmaker Sunday with John Hook – Fox News Phoenix

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This was a great half-hour interview. In this day of 3 to 5 minute fast paced interviews, it was nice to be able to sit and interact with John Hook. He is a down to earth guy. Raised in the country but living in the city. He hasn’t forgotten the lessons he learned from his dad. Save all you can and stay out of debt.

John Hook from Fox News with Steve & Annette Economides

He was really interested in why we had two of our sons working with Steve in the yard repairing the in-ground sprinkler system.

We told him that there was no guaranteeing what their earning potential would be. If we don’t teach them to maintain things around the house, then they are handcuffed to a lifestyle that requires them to hire out this kind of service. If they are able to earn enough money to hire someone to do these types of repairs, then they will be able to speak knowledgeably to the contractor and probably avoid being taken advantage of.

But if they don’t earn enough money, then they can still fix just about any problem that comes their way. It just makes good sense.

We also covered a number of grocery tips — going to the store less often, matching sale items with coupons, knowing your prices and stocking up things hit their lowest prices, and planning ahead.
