This Home Office Paper Savings Page contains a growing list of money saving tips & ideas from our readers!
Finding ways to reuse, recycle and repurpose paper is great for the environment and for your bank account. This page is a collection of tips that really help you save money on home office paper savings for your home and office.
Scratch Pads From Junk Ads
I use the backs of all the blank advertising mailings for my scratch paper and grocery lists. You can even put together a pad by dipping ends in white glue or using a glue gun. Also, an old refrigerator advertisement magnet can be combined with some cardboard to make a pad to hang on the refrigerator. Lyn H. – Greer, AZ
Recycled Paper Flipping
We use computer paper twice and put it in the printer upside down and print on the unused side. Debbie Ludwig – Papua New Guinea
Always have a stack of one-sided old stuff to reuse for printing things that don’t have to be given to someone or sent somewhere like order confirmations or reservations etc.
Sue Micetic
One of the simplest ways to save on paper in the office is to have a scrap paper basket. The scrap paper is the paper that is only printed on one side. There is still one blank side that you can use. You can cut these pages into quarters and then staple them together to make little “notebooks.” These small papers are good for messages, notes to self, etc.
Bobbi Burger Brunoehler – Los Angeles, CA
The quarters of paper can also be used for Telephone Pictionary! Patrick Baldwin – Phoenix, AZ
New Paper Deals
Get the rebates at Staples. The most I pay is 1 cent a ream. They have this deal around Black Friday and one or two other times throughout the year. Paul Loraine Perkins – Mesa, AZ
Dollar Tree sometimes has printer paper for $1/400 sheets. Donna Burham – Salem, MA
Deals on Used/ New Paper
I attend estate sales regularly & check out all home office supplies, I always find some there. Evelyn Thorne – Phoenix, AZ
I see and buy many office supplies (including paper) at estate sales. The last day of an Estate Sale, everything is usually discounted by at least 50%.
Bobbi Burger Brunoehler – Los Angeles, CA
We will find colored copy paper at Goodwill half price days here in AZ. We use this for Christmas letters, our annual New Year’s Eve party invites, and event invitations such as birthdays or showers.
Annette Economides – Scottsdale, AZ
Pads from Scrap Paper
I save junk mail and used copier paper and make scrap pads out of them. Just cut them down to 5.5″ x 8.5″ and use a large spring paper clip, clipped to a piece of cardboard to make a pad. I keep one next to each phone. It’s cheap and easy. Sylvester Meola – Scottsdale, AZ
Moving Stationery
When a place you work for changes addresses or changes its name, latch on to all the old envelopes and stationery, and anything else (if they are going to toss it out).
Randolph Richardson – Southbury, CT
Duplex Printers Save Paper
We are on our second Brother Multi-Function printer, scanner, copier, and fax machine, but this idea would work with any printer. We have two stacks of paper in bins under the printer: one bin is new paper, the second bin is the paper that has been printed on one side (we call it scrap paper). Our printer has 2 trays:
- In the bottom tray of our printer, we put the new, unused paper.
- In the manual feed tray, we put the “scrap paper,” with the unprinted side up.
When we print something that we will reference at home and then toss, we print on the scrap paper. If we’re printing something of more significance (like to take outside the home or give to others) we print on new paper. But when printing on new paper, we also use the duplex feature – printing on both sides. Steve Economides – Scottsdale, AZ
If you want some more ideas for paper savings, visit our blog, Why We Love Junk Mail.
If you have a tip related to saving money and the environment by conserving paper, please leave it in the comments below and we’ll review it for posting on this page.