A college education without student loans or debt can be a reality for you!
With the cost of higher education rising many times faster than all other consumer expenses and the crushing student loan crisis, it’s time for someone to present MoneySmart options to parents and students.
Yes, a Debt-Free university education can be a reality for you and your family . . . with the proper plan in place.
In this 50-minute audio presentation NY Times Best Selling Authors, Steve & Annette Economides outline the multiple college money-saving strategies they’ve given to their five kids (and thousands of other parents). These tried and true methods for getting an excellent education and avoiding debt could save your family $50,000 or more.
NOTE: This Audio Seminar product is sold in as an instant MP3 download with a .pdf resource list.
In this audio seminar you’ll learn about:
• How to prepare your kids for college or trade school
• What your kids should be expected to do financially
• How to build a great college-ready resume
• How to increase SAT & ACT test scores (at no cost)
• Scholarships: where to find them and how to win them
• How to maximize financial aid
• How to Save on Textbooks
Much of the material from this seminar is adapted from “The MoneySmart Family System: Teaching Financial Independence to Children of EVERY Age.”
Bonus Material: In addition to the instant download audio file you’ll also receive a .pdf resource list with information and links to more than 30 websites that we refer to in the presentation. These websites will help you find SAT testing resources, articles on jobs and affordable schools, scholarship websites, savings on textbooks and much more.
This presentation was made at a faith-based family conference and does contain references to the bible and faith-subjects.