This is an easy way to save money on Gasoline.
It’s free and simple to use.
All you need to do is write down a couple of numbers each time you fill your tank.
Filling the entire tank each time is the best way to get accurate calculations.
Why Tracking Mileage is Important
By calculating your gas mileage each time you fill up, you’ll know if car trouble is possibly coming your way.
If your gas mileage goes down you’ll want to check your tires or perhaps it’s time for a tune-up.
We also record oil changes, tire inflations and other maintenance we have done on the car.
We’ve had copies of this Mileage Tracker Form in our cars for years and years, it helps us know how our engine is performing.
How To Calculate Your Gas Mileage
Use the formula below to calculate your gas mileage when you fill up your tank.
1. Miles or kilometers driven since last fill-up
2. Divided by
3. Gallons or liters used.
4. Equals Miles Per Gallon
If we drove
1. 325 miles and put in
2. 14 gallons of gas,
3. Then 325 ÷ 14= 23.21 mpg.
If our gas mileage goes down, we know it’s time to check our tires or maybe it’s time for a tune-up. This helps us keep our cars in tip-top shape.
Get the Mileage Tracker by:
1. filling in your name
2. email address
3. click the button at the bottom of the page,
we’ll send you a confirmation email with the downloadable .pdf file attached.
Please don’t worry, we won’t share your info with anyone else AND we’ll only send you emails about twice each month.
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