Need a Key Copy Made Nearby? 21 Places to Get Duplicate Keys Made

Places to get Keys Copied near you - inexpensive and quick.

Have you ever found yourself frantically searching for a ‘key copy near me’ or wondering where you can ‘get a key made near you’ after a stressful loss of keys? 

You’re not alone. We’ve been there—specifically, when we lost not one, but two auto key fobs for our Toyotas. 

The experience wasn’t just nerve-wracking; it was also unexpectedly expensive. 

In this guide, we’re diving deep into the world of key duplication, sharing over 30 places where you can quickly and affordably get duplicate keys made. 

From home and car keys to those elusive mailbox and locker keys, we’ve researched home stores, grocers, drug stores, … Read more »

The Secret Fix: How to Rehydrate Droopy Limp Carrots

How to rehydrate droopy limp carrots and other veggies

Have you ever purchased carrots that are rubbery, limp and droopy? Have carrots that you store in your refrigerator lost their crispness and crunchiness?

Don’t despair, your produce is not ready for the trash can or compost pile. You can rehydrate limp carrots and return them to their crisp and crunchy original condition.

Watch the video at the bottom of this page as Steve demonstrates how easy it is to fix limp carrots.

Why Do Carrots Get Rubbery and Limp?


1 Why Do Carrots Get Rubbery and Limp?2 How Carrots are Sold3 How We Buy Carrots4 Why … Read more »

The Ultimate Guide to 28 Most Popular Online Outlet Stores

Ultimate Guide to 28 Great Online Outlet Stores

In today’s inflation-driven economy, finding the best online outlet stores is essential for consumers looking to save money without sacrificing quality.

What sets these outlets apart is not just their remarkable deals but also their commitment to customer satisfaction. 

Many of these stores boast return policies that are a breath of fresh air compared to traditional wholesalers or liquidators. 

It’s reassuring to know that when you shop at these outlets, you’re not merely taking a chance; you’re buying with confidence. If an item doesn’t meet your expectations or isn’t in great working condition, most of these stores offer a hassle-free return process that … Read more »

How To Buy A House With Bad Credit: 5 Steps to Ownership

Buying a home with bad credit or a low credit score is possible.

Buying a home with bad credit can really be challenging. And if you have a poor credit score it can be even tougher. If you’ve always dreamed of owning a home, but you’re struggling with saving a down payment or raising your credit score, we’ve got hope.

There are several steps you can take to repair credit, find a lender, and realize that goal of homeownership. This guide will help you find all the resources you need.

Step One: Work on Your Credit


1 Step One: Work on Your Credit2 Step Two: Start Saving for Your Down PaymentRead more »

15 Ways to Wreck Your Food Budget

15 ways to wreck your food budget - tips for saving money

Learning to manage your food budget is one of the fastest ways to start turning around your family household budget. We see so many families practice grocery shopping habits that drive their food costs through the roof.

If you’ve never been shown how to master the art of food shopping and meal prep, don’t feel bad.

It’s a much easier game to learn than you realize.

Take the Quiz and See How You Do

Put a checkmark next to any statement that describes something you’ve said or done in the past six months:

 1) I go to the store several times each week.

Going to the … Read more »

37 Garage Sale Tips and Tricks: A Guide To Hosting Great Yard or Garage Sale

Guide to hosting great garage sales

If you’re looking for Garage Sale Tips and Tricks, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve hosted and participated in dozens of very successful garage sales.

We’ve written this Garage Sale Guide to help you turn your unwanted treasures into cash. There are 37 ideas presented on this page to help you run an efficient and profitable yard sale at your home. Or to host a rummage sale for a charitable organization where you volunteer.

Hosting A Garage Sale – Where to Start


1 Hosting A Garage Sale – Where to Start2 Why Host a Garage Sale?3 … Read more »

Saving on Back-to-School Supplies — 5 Black Belt Tactics

Back to School Supplies - 5 Ways to Save Big Money.

The late summer months are the best time to stock up and save money on Back to School Supplies.

Unfortunately, if you’re not careful, this can be one of the most expensive times of the year for families with young children. Why?

The reason is that back-to-school costs can really take a toll on your family’s household budget.

According to the National Retail Federation, retailers expect that consumers will shell out more than $80.7 billion during this back-to-school shopping frenzy (k-12 and college combined).

50.1 million students will attend public elementary and secondary school. So if you do the math it comes out to … Read more »

Organic Food on a Budget: 12 Secrets to Save Money and Eat Healthily

Organic Food On A Budget #OrganicFoodSavings #OrganicOnABudget #SaveMoneyOnGroceries

Are you looking for ways to eat healthier organic food on a budget? Have you ever asked, “How can I save money on organic food?”

We are always asked about how to save money on organics every time we do a grocery seminar or take phone calls during a radio interview on grocery savings.

Why Does Organic Food Usually Cost More?

Organic food products, on average, cost 50 percent more than standard foods. But you could end up spending 100 percent more, especially on dairy products and meat.

According to Fox … Read more »

Saving on Back-to-School Clothing — 5 Frugal Fashion Tips For Kids

Back-to-School Clothes: 5Frugal Fashion Tips for Kids!

We’ve got Frugal Fashion Tips for Kids when you’re shopping for back-to-school clothes. These will help your kids to look nice, be a little trendy, and not cost a fortune.

We outfitted 5 kids with wardrobes each year. We also found lots of ways for them to look fashionable while staying within our frugal spending limits.

5 Ways to Save on Fashionable Back-To-School Clothes


1 5 Ways to Save on Fashionable Back-To-School Clothes2 1: Start with a Clothing Inventory3 2: Build a List with Each Child4 3: Consider Buying Used5 4: Start Early / Finish … Read more »

Amazing! 10 Stores That Will Price Match Amazon Today!

Stores that Price Match Amazon - Amazon Box with store logos on it.

Do you know which stores will price match Amazon near you?

What better way is there to save money than to find retailers who will match or even beat one of the low price leaders? If you want your order TODAY or want it cheaper keep this list handy.

We’ve researched 14 of the largest retailers who advertise price matching policies and have found those who will match Amazon’s prices and a few that won’t.

Amazon’s Market Dominance

Amazon was founded in 1993 as an online bookstore. In 1998 it started to really take off and now Amazon has disrupted and transformed the retail … Read more »

12 Interesting Declaration of Independence Facts

12 Declaration of Independence Facts that you may not know!

The Declaration of Independence in the United States is one of the most revered documents in our history. It was a bold statement by oppressed men and women to gain freedom from a tyrannical English government.

No matter your political affiliation or beliefs, we should admire these courageous men who willingly put their lives and fortunes on the line to overcome tyrannical leadership.

12 Declaration of Independence Facts You May Not Know


1 12 Declaration of Independence Facts You May Not Know2 12 Declaration of Independence Facts You May Not Know3 BONUS: Ages of The Founding … Read more »

Use a Crockpot for a Year and Save $3400!

Crockpot Savings - Use a Slow Cooker for a year and Save $3400

Using a crockpot for a year could save you a ton of money. But even if you used it just a few days each week, it could still save you more money than you ever imagined.  We’ll show you how this works and give you some other tips too.

This is the third of a 5-part Kitchen Tools series that will empower you to save thousands of dollars on your food budget.

What’s at stake when it comes to feeding a family?


1 What’s at stake when it comes to feeding a family?2 The Savings from a Year … Read more »

10 Student Loan Forgiveness Programs: Get Debt Eliminated Legally

9 career choices that could result in student loan forgiveness.

Do you have college loans? Are you looking for a list of student loan forgiveness programs? Are you wondering if you can get loan forgiveness?

Student loan forgiveness isn’t available to everyone, but it is a great way to pay off student loans that have already been accrued!

We’ve scoured the loan forgiveness landscape and found 10 different programs that might benefit you.

College Prices Have Skyrocketed:

Over the past 40 years, gas prices have increased by about 300% and Gold has risen more than 1200%. However, the cost of college has outpaced them both, skyrocketing more than 1600% higher than it was in … Read more »

11 Airbnb Hosting Tips & Secrets From a $30k Super Host

Airbnb hosting tips from a super host.

Are you thinking of becoming an Airbnb host? Are you looking for expert Airbnb Hosting tips? Do you want to earn an extra $10,000 this year?

We’ve been Airbnb Hosts for 9 years. We are on track to earn $30,000 this year by renting out three extra bedrooms in our house.

Even though the travel industry struggled through Covid in 2020, we’ve had some of our best years ever as a host family. So if you’ve ever considered home-sharing, this is a great time to get started.

In this article, we’re sharing our top Airbnb hosting tips. We hope that you can turn … Read more »

Pack a Lunch in Glass Bowls: How I Saved $40,000 Bringing My Lunch

Here's a lunch time hack that could save you $1000 per year?

If you pack a lunch consistently you’ll be surprised how much money you can save.

Glass Bowls Provide Lunch Values

Having Glass Bowls so you can bring leftovers for lunch, is the second of our Kitchen Tools series. It will empower you to save thousands of dollars on your food budget.

Why glass bowls?  When it comes to feeding a family, there is a lot of money at stake. The average family spends $270 per person each month on groceries. That means that a family of four will spend nearly $13,000 on food this year! And using glass bowls for lunch can help … Read more »

Why We Love Junk Mail? Here are 3 Things You Can Do With Free Paper!

Why do we love junk mail? Find out how we save the planet and stretch our budget all at the same time.

We love junk mail. How ’bout you?

We love junk mail, especially insurance agents who send us unsolicited quotes on white paper printed only on one side.

Why? It’s simple.

They’ve just provided us with free paper for our printer.

How we use Free Junk Mail to Save Money


1 How we use Free Junk Mail to Save Money2  A Funny Story about the Junk Mail Brother Printer3 Bottom Line for Recycling & Resourcefulness4 More Strategies for Dealing with Junk Mail5 What’s the value of all this effort?

We have a Read more »

29 Free or Cheap Places to Get Copies Made (Near Me)

Copies Near Me: Over 20 free or inexpensive options to choose from.

Copies Near Me is a popular Google Search! You never know when you might need to make a Black & White or Color copy. And finding a place to do that inexpensively, especially if you don’t have your own printer can be challenging!

Even though the world is increasingly paperless, there are going to be times when you’ll need a crisp, clean paper document in your hands.

If you find yourself in need of a copier, then browse this list of 29 different places (in 4 categories) for the best free or cheap copies that will make your life easier!

TABLE OF … Read more »

What is a Spoonula and How Can It Save You Money? Kitchen Tool #1

Clean up in your kitchen by using SpoonULas, they save time and money.

If you’ve never heard of a spoonula, hang on because you’re going to love it. In this article, we’ll tell you what a spoonula is and how it can save you money and we’ll introduce our kitchen tool series.

5 Kitchen Tools That Will Save $6000 #1 Spoonula


1 5 Kitchen Tools That Will Save $6000 #1 Spoonula2 What’s at stake with Kitchen Savings?3 What is a Spoonula? How Spoonulas Help to Scoop It Out:4 How Much Can You Save Using a Spoonula?

Saving money on groceries could revolutionize your family budget! Really, it’s no hype. … Read more »

Allowance for Chores? How the 5/50/500 Rule Applies to Your Kids

Should I pay my kids for chores?

Should you give your kids an allowance for chores?

“NOOOOO!” … that was our first response.

But years later we reconsidered this decision because we discovered the 5 / 50 / 500 money rule.

There are rules that govern our lives, our world, and the universe. There are also rules that govern the earning, saving, and spending of money. Knowing how to operate within the rules usually means success and a more peaceful existence. Violating the rules has the opposite effect.

Preparing your child to live a financially independent life may not be on the top of your to-do list. But if … Read more »

How Frugal Living Can Help You Hurdle Toward Early Retirement

Frugal Living Helps You Hurdle Towards Early Retirement!

Can Frugal Living make a difference in how soon you retire or is it just a waste of time? We’re going to give you one example of the power of frugal living as it specifically pertains to how soon you can retire.

How Much Money Do You Need to Retire?


1 How Much Money Do You Need to Retire?2 A Retirement Rule of Thumb3 Building Savings is a Huge Hurdle4 How to Clear the Savings Hurdle5 How Fast Can the Savings Add Up?6 Frugal Living Reduces Your Retirement Savings Goal!7 Cut Your … Read more »

How to Live On One Income: 5 Tips for Parents Who Want to Stay At Home

Mom with two kids and a dog in the forest. Can we live on one income?

If you’ve ever wondered how to live on one income or whether your family can afford to do it or not, the following 5 email questions should help you get your answer.


1 1. One Income for a SAHM Wannabe2 2. Convincing Your Wife to Live on One Income3 3. Living on One Income When Illness Hits the Family4 4. Living on One Income after Bankruptcy5 5. Living on One Income, Drowning in Debt & No Fun6 One Income Wrap Up

1. One Income for a SAHM Wannabe

First I would like to say … Read more »

4 Places Where You Can File your Taxes for Free

A block wall with a sign that says "Pay Taxes Room 108."

Finding free tax help and filing your taxes doesn’t have to be expensive.

If you’re a lower-income family, just starting out after college, a senior, military or former military family, there are lots of options for getting your taxes filed for free or for almost nothing. We’re hoping that you’ll check out these three options and be able to save a boodle! We’ve personally used two of the three services, and Steve’s dad was a volunteer with the last one.

Filing your income tax return doesn’t have to be a taxing (or expensive) proposition

Filing taxes is an annual ritual that most of … Read more »

10 Great Places to Buy Quality Used Cell Phones & Save

Best Places to buy used cell phones samsung galaxy s8+ and iPhone 8

If you’re in the market to buy a used cell phone, try some of these sites to save a ton of money and get a quality phone.

To make your research easier, we’ve included pricing for a couple of the most popular used cell phones. We’ve also listed the number of phones each site had available at the time of publishing.

Our strategy was to focus on these two phones to get an accurate estimate of platforms that cell phones for less. Our research should apply to other makes and models of cell phones. 

In this article, we researched 8 different places where … Read more »

11 Fun Easter Traditions for Families: Crafts, Decor, & Activities for a Great Celebration

11 Easter Traditions for Families - Crafts, Decorations & Activities. #EasterDecorations #EasterCrafts #EasterActivities

Are you looking for fun Easter Traditions for your family? Traditions are a type of glue that holds families together and builds enduring memories.

Fun traditions don’t have to be expensive, elaborate or logical – some can be downright silly. But for kids, having consistent events throughout the year is something that adds stability and anticipation to life.

Jellybean trails through the house are one of our favorite family Easter traditions.

Here are 11 different Easter traditions and crafts that are part of our family’s history.


1 Jelly Bean Trails2 Easter String Balls3 Marble Eggs4 … Read more »