NY Times Best Seller and #1 Amazon Best Seller
The book that is revolutionizing Family Finances around the world.
About America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money
America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money is a book that is like a comprehensive manual on frugal living and smart money habits. More than 100,000 families worldwide have embraced the message and habits outlined in the book.
As you read, you’ll feel like you’re getting your own private financial coaching session. We’ve included lots of stories — ours and those of people we’ve helped. And we’ve even let our kids tell you what they think about their crazy parents’ money habits.
You’ll be taken you through every area of a household budget from clothes to cars and lots more in between. We’ll show you how to save money and time on feeding your family, planning fun and inexpensive recreation and even taking great vacations, all without debt.
A Very Practical Finance Book
It’s not about formulas and calculations, it’s more about figuring out what’s really important to you and your family and making it happen. We aren’t just preaching a gospel of thrift, we’re giving you a behind the scenes look at how we’ve lived, raised five happy kids, paid off our first house in nine years, never had a car payment and had lots and lots of laughter.
We’ve been told by readers that America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money is one of the easiest finance books to read, understand and apply. Readers love it so much it became an instant NY Times Best Seller and hit several other best-seller lists too!
Chapters in the Book include:
- Groceries — Savings By the Bagful
- Budgeting — The Cornerstone of Family Finances
- Cars — Cutting Car Costs
- Housing — Home Sweet Home
- Utilities — Shut the Door, Turn Out the Lights
- Debt — The American Dream turns into a Nightmare
- Medical Expenses — Keeping Your Body Healthy and Your Wallet Happy
- Clothing — Looking Better, Spending Less
- Entertainment and Recreation — Having Fun While Spending Less
- Vacations — Without Debt Regret
- Kids and Money — Teaching Kids about Money Isn’t Kids’ Stuff
- Savings and Investments — It’s More Than Just Money in the Bank
- Attitude is Everything
Check out your local library to borrow a free copy or you can find it discounted on Ebay and Amazon.com. And of course, you can get an autographed copy from us.
On This Page, You Can:
- Buy the Book Paperback, eBook, or Audio Book
- View the ABC 20/20 video
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- Read Celebrity Endorsements
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America’s Cheapest Family – Chapter 1. Read by Annette Economides
Click on the cover art to listen. Run Time 3:25 minutes
Video Steve & Annette Economides interviewed by Elizabeth Vargas. Debt in America — Flat Broke and Borrowing
America’s Cheapest Family is ENDORSED BY:
Paul Harvey – Legendary Radio Broadcaster
“Of all the how to do it books ever written, the best and most constructively useful are The Bible, Voltaire’s Candide — and this one.”
“The time is right, right now, for somebody to give us all a top sergeant lesson in practical economics: “There is no free lunch.”
“Congratulations, Annette and Steve Economides; I pray your readers will practice what you teach.”
Paul Harvey, Legendary American Radio Broadcaster
and host of The Rest of the Story on the ABC Radio Network
Click on the letter to see a full size / original copy
President George W. Bush presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to legendary radio personality Paul Harvey, one of 14 recipients of the prestigious medal.
Author Endorsements!
Glinda Bridgeforth
“If your family is struggling with debt or you find yourself spending more money than you can legitimately afford, pick up and READ this book today! Implement the strategies you find and enjoy a life free of financial anxiety!”
Glinda Bridgforth — financial coach, Oprah Debt Diet Consultant and bestselling author of Girl, Get Your Money Straight!; Girl, Make Your Money Grow! and Girl, Get Your Credit Straight!
Linda Cobb
“Everybody, even a Queen, likes to save money. And the practical tips and tricks in this book by Annette and Steve Economides represent a royal treasury of great ideas. They’re practical, effective and anyone can benefit from the down-to-earth advice inside this wonderful book.”
Linda Cobb — The Queen of Clean®, New York Times Best Selling Author of “Talking Dirty with the Queen of Clean®”
Howard Dayton
“America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money is a wonderfully practical and helpful book. The best part: authors Steve and Annette Economides have been living these principles you will learn in this easy to read book. I heartily recommend it to all those who want to be faithful in handling money God’s way.”
Howard Dayton — Radio Talk Show Host, author of Your Money Counts and Co-Founder of Crown Financial Ministries and
Founder of Compass-Finances God’s Way
Archie M. Richards, Jr
“Steve and Annette Economides’ last name just happens to match what they do joyously and well: Economize. The word “cheap” attracts attention, but it’s misleading. With five children, this family eats well, dresses well and has wonderful times together, all for amazingly little money.
A pleasure to read, this book gives superb practical advice—lots of it—about money. It also teaches how to save time, cut stress, and enhance relationships. This wise and sensible couple are models for a life of joy and fulfillment, not to mention good parenting. It’s the best how-to-live book I’ve ever read, by far.”
Archie M. Richards, Jr. — syndicated columnist and the author of Understanding Exchange-Traded Funds.
Wilson J. Humber
“Having known this couple since 1988, I can tell you everything they say works and is true. Steve and Annette have a heart for helping others. I’ve seen them at their best and at their lowest when true character is revealed. Anyone wanting a handle on their finances can learn and profit from their principles.
In America, 80% of us are slaves to our possessions. What the book doesn’t say directly is that living as an economizer builds character, marriages, families, and frees people to focus on what is important in life.”
Wilson J. (Jody) Humber, Ph.D., CFP — investment counselor and author of Dollars and Sense and The Financially Challenged.
Scott W. Somerville
“As an attorney, I’ve represented thousands of hardworking families who are trying to make it in modern America on a single income. This book breaks down any financial barriers that would prevent a family from homeschooling or living on one income.”
Scott W. Somerville, Esq.— Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)
From the Editors at Barnes and Noble
“Radio broadcaster Paul Harvey praised this book as one of the three best how-to-do-it books it ever written; the other two are the Bible and Voltaire’s Candide. Even without such superlatives, it’s difficult to overestimate the frugality of this tightwad’s guide. Suffice it to note that the economy-minded Economides feed their family of seven on $350 a month! America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money covers every aspect of true cheapskate living: from shopping and menu planning to saving, taxes, reducing debt, and cutting back on utilities. Thrift-aholic heaven.”
Review from The Cincinnati Library
Your Guide to Living Better, Spending Less, and Cashing in on Your Dreams
Steve and Annette Economides
“‘Tis the season for …. spending way too much money. Need to put a halt to the draining of your finances? Take a good look at the advice of the Economides family: the use of a clear budget along with some common sense allows them to enjoy a debt-free life for themselves and their five children. They may convince you that a lot of small efforts can add up to big savings and relief from financial headaches.”
Reader Reviews For America’s Cheapest Family Get’s You Right on the Money Book
Best Finance Book for Having No Money in the Bank
I just had to write and tell you how much I benefited from your first book. The way you write is so down to earth that anyone can understand it — it’s just great! I feel like a friend is talking to me. You have given us a lot of help and encouragement.
I must admit, I always thought I should do or be like everyone else to be accepted and to be thought of as “normal.” Keeping up with the Joneses cost us everything. We had so many payments and bills that we went under faster than the Titanic. As a result, we ended up homeless and broke. We even lost our car. We were so ashamed. At that time we were 48 and 65 years old, and we lived in a gutted-out camper with our two small grandchildren. Nobody can imagine how low we felt.
Reading All the Money Books
Then, I started reading the “money books,” at least that’s what I call them, to see if there wasn’t a better way to live. I went to the library and picked up Dave Ramsey’s book and then I saw yours. Something about it grabbed me. I’ve read it two more times in this last week and I have even more hope thanks to you.
Our families had no idea how bad off we were. We let no one know about it. But since reading your book, we’ve saved our first $100 in the bank. That’s a major accomplishment for us, especially since we live on $643 each month. We managed to get enough money to buy a car and thankfully, we were able to get into a low-income apartment. I know we are going to go up from here.
I don’t work right now because we have the grandbabies to take care of. My husband has rheumatoid arthritis and is now drawing Social Security.
I believe that if we apply what you teach, that we will eventually have our own place again. We will definitely be smarter about it this time and let the “Joneses” roll on without us. It is such a relief to not have to put on a show anymore just to impress people. I’m finally at the point where I really don’t care what other people think. Shirley—Florence AL
Best Finance Book for Young Families
You have inspired my husband and me to live a more frugal lifestyle. I picked up your book a few weeks ago, and started a budget right away. It’s only been a couple of weeks since we started our budget, but I am amazed at how the money has grown in our bank account.
I have always shopped at thrift and consignment stores for clothes. But now, I have started looking for appliances and furniture that are used. We just picked up a used, working freezer for $30!
We are a young, married couple with a two-year-old daughter, and we only have two debts: a car which we only have $2,500 left to pay off, and our house. I am hoping that since we don’t have a lot of debt, and we are starting the budget, that we can have our house paid for in full by the time we are 33 — ten years from now.
It is a challenge, and I am excited to know that while all of my friends may be driving brand new cars and SUV’s, and wearing the latest thing from Abercrombie and Hollister, that I can find nice, name brand clothes at my local Goodwill, or Gift and Thrift for two or three dollars! And I am proud to say that my two-year-old is the best-dressed child at the day-care where I work — and almost all her clothes were bought at garage sales, Goodwill, or were given to me!
I am so thankful that I found your website, and your book, and wanted you to know what a blessing ya’ll have been to us! Melissa – Shenandoah, VA
Best Finance Book with Values
I have just finished reading your book – just a few minutes ago!!!! It is incredible. I have several books on personal finance, a degree in business, a Personal Financial Planner designation (from a university, but not a national designation) and I was a credit counselor for some years before settling in as a stay-at-home mom (husband, two sons, and a dog).
My husband and I both practice a frugal lifestyle and often find ourselves out-of-touch (not to complain) with most of the people we come in contact with about frugality, parenting, our values, etc. We probably experience the social difference more here in New England (Connecticut) than you might in other parts of the country.
Of all the books I have read on the subject, I can most identify with this one and it is the best explained that I have ever seen.
Our values are most in line with yours and for that I thank you. Though far away, I feel like we know each other! Thank you for trying to help society with the huge problem of materialism to the detriment of faith, family and quality time.
I am truly inspired to keep up what we do and have learned some great tips along the way – we can always learn more ways to save! Michele — CT
P.S. Your children are a credit to society and I sincerely hope, when the time comes, that their spouses truly appreciate their character and work ethic.
Best Finance Book for Newlyweds
Stephen and I are in our first year of marriage and we have faced the challenges so many young couples face when trying to get their finances in sync with a new lifestyle. With God’s grace, we are now using your budget sheets and the money is actually staying IN our account. We read your book TOGETHER on a trip from visiting family in Ohio to our new home in Virginia and we loved it! We laughed, we cried — it changed our lives. Thank You!
Since we are a young couple and want to have a large family, we now have the tools to start saving in our “Baby-to-Be” account, as well as “Future Home” account— we currently rent in an expensive Washington, DC suburb. We’ve also just getting started with our own deep freezer — only 5 cubic feet, but it goes a LONG way to stretch our grocery budget. Your large family is an inspiration to us! Stephen and Susan Baumert — Falls Church, VA
Unemployment Did Not Devastate Us!
I just wanted to thank you for your amazing book. I happened to see it on a web broadcast on Yahoo. So I bought it and have read it at least 4 times now. We implemented many things you said in our lives. Within two months of reading the book, we had paid off two of our major debts — our son’s medical bills and my student loan. We were also putting savings aside at the same time. We were planning to use your windfall principle to concurrently pay off our last debt while putting money aside for our emergency fund.
Sadly, two months into our execution of the windfall plan, my husband lost his job. However, we are still in a great situation financially thanks to your book. Since we saved some extra money my husband can take off a full year and we will be doing just fine. If I didn’t find your book when I did, I don’t know where we would be today. So often we have been close to the edge of losing everything — it was really scary — but being secure is so great, we know we’re going to make it even in this very difficult economic time. Sybil — Fort Worth, TX
A Practical Finance Book for Families
My husband and I just finished reading your book and I wanted to let you know how much we appreciated it. We have always been debt free (praise God) and have been frugal minded about material things. Your book has really encouraged us to continue doing so. I have always thought that we were a bit odd when we would get so excited about a really great deal or would brag about getting something on sale or free. I was so glad to see that we weren’t alone!
We especially loved reading about your kid’s attitudes towards money and material things and hope that we can pass those same ideals to our children. I am now a stay-at-home mom to two young children so we’re always looking for ways to live comfortably on one income. There are not many families that we know of in our community who live within or below their means. So after reading about your family, my husband and I are even more convinced that living the frugal lifestyle is the only way to go. Joanne — USA
Starting the Frugal Life Because of You and Your Book
We are so excited to finally start living a frugal life. We have tried before, but were never able to stop our impulsive spending. But we’re motivated now. Just today we saved $275 per month by getting a better cell phone plan, switching internet providers and canceling a couple of club memberships.
We are planning now and have started a budget like you described in your book.
For Christmas we bought an inexpensive tree for $12 and saved enough money to buy a steeply discounted artificial tree during the after-Christmas clearance sales. Thanks for the encouragement.
Read what more than 180 readers have written on Amazon.com
Here’s a new one :
I have read your books MANY times. I have read lots of money books, Dave Ramsey, and others, but I have to say YOUR book is the best. It doesn’t “scare” me and is so clear and has so much info, I just love it! I am a stay at home mom of 2, and I just wanted to thank you for all the info your family puts out there for us…and for the WAY you explain it! It puts the whole picture of life and raising families in a fun way, instead of “save and suffer” kind of thing.